Are You looking for a way to make a difference in this world?
God doesn't give us his love so that we can keep it only for ourselves. He expects us to give it away. join us in Our strategy to be Rivers and not Reservoirs of God's Love in our community and our world!

Here are some ways you can be a River:

We believe it is important for the church body to GATHER together each week to hear God's Word and sing His praises. We have two identical worship services each Sunday morning at 9:00 am and 10:30 am. We'd love for you to GATHER with us!!!

Connecting with other believers is essential to fulfilling God's purpose in our lives. We believe that building meaningful relationships helps encourage us in our faith and support us through difficulties.
LifeGroups for Community
LifeGroups are groups of about 10-30 people who are in the same stage of life. These groups meet weekly for fellowship and a Bible lesson. These are great places to celebrate each other's successes and bear each other's burdens. We believe that it is extremely difficult to feel a sense of belonging without the kinds of relationships that are grown in these groups.
To find a life group to try out, please click the button below:
To find a life group to try out, please click the button below:
D-Groups for Discipleship
D-Groups are small groups of 3-5 people of the same gender who meet weekly. People in a D-Group go deeper in Bible study, scripture memorization, and prayer. These are relationships built on love, support, and accountability.
D-Groups are closed groups. Because will feel that discipleship should happen organically, the church does not assign people to D-Groups. To become involved in a D-Group, you must be asked by someone who has already been discipled through this process or start your own D-Group. If you have any questions about D-Groups, please contact Matthew Isennock.
D-Groups are closed groups. Because will feel that discipleship should happen organically, the church does not assign people to D-Groups. To become involved in a D-Group, you must be asked by someone who has already been discipled through this process or start your own D-Group. If you have any questions about D-Groups, please contact Matthew Isennock.

Live Out
As we come to understand and experience the love and grace of God in our own lives, the only response is to serve Him and share this love with others. This is what it means to LIVE OUT the mission.
At Ephesus, we LIVE OUT the mission by SERVING ON TEAMS and GIVING of the resources God has given us as well as personally SHOWING and SHARING the love of Jesus in our world.
If you'd like to find a way that you can LIVE OUT the love of Jesus through SERVING ON A TEAM, click the button below.
At Ephesus, we LIVE OUT the mission by SERVING ON TEAMS and GIVING of the resources God has given us as well as personally SHOWING and SHARING the love of Jesus in our world.
If you'd like to find a way that you can LIVE OUT the love of Jesus through SERVING ON A TEAM, click the button below.