Welcome to Discovery 252 Children's ministry
Discovery 252 exists to:
- Combine our influence with the influence of parents so together we can have a greater impact in the lives of kids.
- Help our kids Discover who God is, His love for them, and then guide them in their Journey of Faith.

Jesus Grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. - Luke 2:52
Sunday at Discovery 252
On Sunday mornings in Discovery 252 we study Bible stories that help kids discover Jesus and His character during a Children's worship service at 9:00 and grade level LifeGroups at 10:30. Every month we introduce a Scripture memory verse and each week we present Bible stories that help our children understand how to apply the Scripture to their lives. A new Life Point is taught every Sunday to help reinforce what the children about God. Parents can download the Lifeway Kids app that will help them reinforce the weekly Bible lessons at home. Our team of volunteers eagerly awaits the opportunity to partner with you as we lead your children to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor.
We look forward to meeting you at our welcome desk and helping
to get your child checked-in for a great time of Discovery.
We look forward to meeting you at our welcome desk and helping
to get your child checked-in for a great time of Discovery.
Sunday Schedule
9:00 am
Children's Worship - Room 216
10:30 am
Children's LifeGroups
- 1st Grade - Pioneers
- 2nd Grade - Explorers
- 3rd Grade - Pathfinders
- 4th Grade - Trekkers
- 5th Grade - Voyagers
WednesDay at Discovery 252
Wednesday Schedule
5:45 pm (during school year)
C.R.E.W. 252 - Modular Unit 1 (check-in first)

C.R.E.W. 252 is our children's creative arts ministry. In C.R.E.W. 252 we sing, act, practice the technical arts and just plain have fun as we learn how we all can be authentic worshipers no matter how old or young we are.
6:30 pm
Journey Kids
On Wednesdays, our kids will “travel” to different countries around the world as they learn about the culture of the country and the missionaries that serve there. Children will be guided through hands-on activities as they pray for missions, do missions, learn about missions, develop spiritually and support missions with the compassion of Christ. Our mission is to involve our students in missions by encouraging our children live out their faith daily as they follow the command in Mark 16:15 and “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Annual Activities
- New Christians Class
- Summer Camps
- Preteen Retreat